Interface: IPlan
Description: Defines the structure for a plan object, representing different subscription options available.
const plan: IPlan = {
id: 'some-plan-id',
type: 1,
name: 'Basic',
defaultPrice: 10,
limits: {
lines: 1000,
repos: 5
description: 'A basic plan for individual developers.',
features: ['private repositories', 'issue tracking']
Interface: IPlanProps
Description: Defines the properties used for a plan component.
const planProps: IPlanProps = {
plan: {
id: 'some-plan-id',
type: 1,
name: 'Basic',
defaultPrice: 10,
limits: {
lines: 1000,
repos: 5
description: 'A basic plan for individual developers.',
features: ['private repositories', 'issue tracking']
trial: true,
subscribe: (plan: IPlan) => {
// Logic for handling subscription to a plan
Interface: ICheckoutProps
Description: Defines the properties used for a checkout component.
const checkoutProps: ICheckoutProps = {
classNames: 'checkout-container',
plan: {
id: 'some-plan-id',
type: 1,
name: 'Basic',
defaultPrice: 10,
limits: {
lines: 1000,
repos: 5
description: 'A basic plan for individual developers.',
features: ['private repositories', 'issue tracking']
trial: false,
onClose: () => {
// Logic for closing the checkout component
Interface: IPaymentSession
Description: Defines the structure for a payment session object, containing information related to a payment process.
const paymentSession: IPaymentSession = {
status: 'pending',
email: '',
metadata: {
// Additional payment-related information
secret: 'payment-secret'