File: Repositories.test.js

Description: This file contains unit tests for the Repositories component. It uses the react-test-renderer library to render the component and the jest framework for assertion testing.


  • renderer from "react-test-renderer": Provides the rendering functionality for React components.
  • Repositories from "@/components/Repositories": The component being tested.
  • syncProjects from "@/utils/Helpers": Helper function used by the Repositories component.


  • jest.mock("@/utils/Helpers"): Mocks the syncProjects function from the Helpers module to prevent actual network requests during testing.
  • jest.mock("@/components/elements/Busy", () => "Busy"): Mocks the Busy component from the elements module to simplify the test scenario.


Test Suite: describe("First load")

Description: Tests the initial state of the Repositories component when first loaded.

Test Case: it("shows busy when first starting")

Description: Verifies that a Busy component is displayed when the Repositories component is initially rendered.


  1. Render the Repositories component: Uses renderer.create(<Repositories />) to create a React test renderer instance for the component.
  2. Take a snapshot: Calls expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() to ensure that the rendered output matches a previously recorded snapshot, allowing for easy detection of unintentional UI changes.
  3. Find the Busy component: Uses tree.root.findByType("Busy") to locate the Busy component within the rendered tree.
  4. Assert that the Busy component exists: Checks if the found Busy component is defined using expect(busyComponent).toBeDefined().


const tree = renderer.create(<Repositories />);
const busyComponent = tree.root.findByType("Busy");

Important Considerations:

  • The tests rely on the mocked Busy component. Ensure that the actual Busy component is correctly rendered and functions as expected in the real application.
  • The test suite checks only for the initial state of the Repositories component. Consider adding more tests to cover different states, interactions, and events within the component.
  • The snapshot testing approach assumes that the rendered output is stable. Be mindful of potential changes in the UI that might necessitate updating snapshots.
  • Mocking external dependencies can provide flexibility in testing, but it's important to ensure that the mocked behavior matches the real-world implementation.

Potential Pitfalls:

  • If the actual Busy component implementation changes, the tests might fail.
  • If the initial state of the Repositories component is modified, the snapshot might become outdated and require updates.
  • Mocking too many dependencies can lead to a loss of test coverage for the actual component's logic.