Class: Image

Description: The Image component is a React component designed to display images with placeholder functionality. This ensures a better user experience by showing a placeholder before the image is fully loaded.


Method: onLoad

Description: The onLoad function is a callback triggered when the image has successfully finished loading. It sets the loaded state to true, signifying that the image is available for display.


  • None


  • void


// Image component instance
const imageComponent = <Image src="image.jpg" />;

// When image loads successfully, `onLoad` callback is triggered
imageComponent.onLoad(); // sets the loaded state to true

Method: handlePlaceholder

Description: The handlePlaceholder function is responsible for managing the display of a placeholder image before the actual image is loaded. It creates a temporary SVG placeholder element, sets its size based on the target image's dimensions, and inserts it before the main image element. Once the image is loaded, the placeholder is removed.


  • img (HTMLImageElement): The actual image element that the placeholder is associated with.


  • void


// Assuming `image` is the reference to the actual image element

// This will create an SVG placeholder, insert it before the image, and then remove it once the image loads

Method: placeholderSrc

Description: The placeholderSrc function generates a data URI for a simple SVG placeholder image based on the provided width and height. This placeholder image is displayed before the actual image is loaded.


  • w (number): The desired width of the placeholder image.
  • h (number): The desired height of the placeholder image.


  • string: A data URI for an SVG image with the specified width and height.


// Get placeholder image URI
const placeholderUri = placeholderSrc(100, 100); // Returns a data URI for a 100x100 SVG

// This URI can be used as the `src` attribute for an image tag

Important Considerations:

  • The Image component relies on useEffect hook to manage the placeholder.
  • The useEffect hook ensures that the placeholder is handled when the component is mounted and that it remains updated when the image source changes.
  • The component is designed to handle image sources that can be either strings (URLs) or object-based (potentially for image data).
  • The placeholderSrc function generates a basic SVG placeholder. For more complex placeholder styles, you might need to use an alternative approach.
  • Consider using a dedicated library for lazy loading images in production environments.

Potential Pitfalls:

  • Ensure that the src prop for the Image component is provided correctly, as it's a required prop.
  • Be mindful of the dependencies passed to the useEffect hook. If you need to update the placeholder on different props, make sure those props are included in the dependency array.
