Class: Calendar

Description: The Calendar component renders a Calendly popup modal using the react-calendly library. It allows users to schedule meetings or appointments through a pre-configured Calendly link.


  • onFinish (Function): A callback function that is triggered when the user completes the scheduling process in the Calendly modal.
  • props (Object): An object containing additional props, potentially including the user's email (, whether the modal is open (, and a function to close the modal (props.onClose).


  • JSX.Element: A JSX element representing the Calendly popup modal.


import Calendar from './Calendar';

  onFinish={() => console.log('Appointment scheduled!')}
  onClose={() => setModalOpen(false)}

Key Components:

  • PopupModal: The primary component from the react-calendly library, responsible for rendering the Calendly modal.
  • CALENDLY_DEMO: A constant imported from the utils/Constants module, containing the URL for a pre-configured Calendly link.
  • pageSettings: An object containing customization options for the Calendly modal appearance.

Important Considerations:

  • Ensure the react-calendly library is properly installed and configured.
  • The CALENDLY_DEMO constant should be replaced with the actual Calendly link for your use case.
  • Customize the pageSettings object to adjust the modal's appearance according to your design requirements.
  • Consider handling potential errors that might occur during the scheduling process.
  • Implement appropriate logic for handling the onFinish callback function based on your application's requirements.